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Retrospective token airdrop for more than 75,000 eligible wallets is announced by Pyth Network

Governance • November 1, 2023, 9:43AM EDT

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VIDEO: Pyth Network’s Token Airdrop Program Includes 75,000+ Eligible Wallets
Crypto World Daily
  • Pyth Network unveiled a retrospective cross-chain airdrop, targeting over 75,000 wallets across 27 blockchains and more than 200 dapps.
  • The airdrop aims to reward community members, DeFi participants and dapp users to enhance on-chain governance.


Pyth Network unveiled a retrospective cross-chain token airdrop program for community members who have contributed to the oracle network. Over 200 dapps across 27 blockchains using Pyth data and the users of those applications are eligible for the airdrop — some 75,000 wallets.

Those blockchain ecosystems include Ethereum, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Base, Optimism, Polygon, zkSync, Aptos, Sui, Cosmos and Solana. Community members with certain official Discord roles for the project are also eligible, as are holders of official Pyth Network NFTs.

The airdrop is an "expression of deep appreciation for the dedicated Pyth Network stakeholder community," Pyth Network posted on X, ensuring that a wide range of contributors, from developers to end-users, are recognized for their role in the network's growth. "This is the largest cross-chain, usage-oriented airdrop program we know of in web3 and DeFi," it added.

Snapshots for on-chain and social activity are already complete, though a date for when eligible participants can claim their allocations is yet to be announced. However, users can check their eligibility and PYTH token allocation via its airdrop check site, the Pyth team stated in a blog post. The site is not available to residents of certain countries, including the U.S. and the UK.

PYTH tokens are native to the Solana blockchain, and airdrop tokens are allocated from Pyth's "Community and Launch" category with up to 6% of the total supply (600 million PYTH) available to eligible participants. This includes 100 million PYTH for dapps, 200 million PYTH for on-chain activity by DeFi participants and 10 million PYTH for "active" community members.

Stimulating participation in on-chain governance

VIDEO: Pyth Network Airdrop CONFIRMED! Check Eligibility!

The purpose of the airdrop is to stimulate participation in on-chain governance and transition the Pyth Network toward a permissionless, decentralized and self-sustainable mainnet, according to the team. By involving the community in governance, the network aims to become more resilient and user-driven.

Further details on how eligible individuals, DAOs and dapps using Pyth data can claim their allocations will be announced in due course, Pyth said, also advising users to be aware of potential scams.

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Name: Catherine Goodwin

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Goodwin, I am a unyielding, ingenious, tenacious, Gifted, brilliant, unswerving, unwavering person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.